It’s all about prevention and peace of mind.

Request a Secur Officer on demand, or scheduled, whenever you need extra protection:


Protect your teen 24/7 and get priceless peace of mind knowing your teen has access to help. At the touch of a button, they can request a Secur Officer for assistance, whether at home, out late at night, roadside with a flat tire, or anywhere else.

Elderly Parents

Your parents have protected you all your life. Now you can protect them. At the touch of a button, they can request a Secur Officer for in-person protection, whether at home, out, or in an unsafe situation.

Online Connections

When online dating or selling valuable items online, it’s important to have an extra measure of protection. Have a private security agent accompany you, or simply know you have the option to request one if something doesn’t feel right.

Nights Out

Go out on the town with a Secur Officer as part of your entourage. Booking Secur in advance for a big night out means more fun, more safety, and more style.


Waiting for roadside assistance is a vulnerable position for anyone. Being a Secur member means peace of mind, knowing you and your loved ones can call someone to wait with you if you break down.


Alarm goes off when you’re on vacation? With Secur, easily send an officer to check on your home while you’re out of town, or just out of the house.

Unwanted Attention

Unwanted attention should not have to be tolerated. Take charge and have a plan with Secur in your pocket.


Have more peace of mind with an extra measure of security during potentially difficult child exchanges or custody arrangements.

Small Business

Secur is ideal for small businesses who don’t need or can’t afford full time security. Now you can have professional security, and only pay when you need it.

Real Estate

Protect your open houses with affordable private security. Become a Business member and secure your showings and agents anytime.


Holiday Shopping Safety Tips on Daytime with Kimberly & Esteban


Secur launches on-demand private security app